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Upcoming Events for 2024

Additional events are beig planned for 2024

Educational Outreach

Small gatherings such as Schools or Libraries continue being planned. Contact Paula for further information.

Next to saving the lives of animals, our educational programs are our number one priority. We believe that exposing the public to these special animals and bringing understanding about wolves will make a positive difference. It is extremely rewarding to hear a child who started off the tour saying "I'm afraid they will eat me" change to "This was the best field trip ever!"    Here are some of the programs WolfWood has done previously:

SCHOOL ASSEMBLIES: When we visit schools, we take animals with us. We do an hour long educational talk and show the wolves on stage. Occasionally there is time for petting if the program is for a smaller audience. Sometimes we do two assemblies and see an entire school in one afternoon! We are often asked back because the kids love the presentations.

TOURS AND FIELD TRIPS: Schools and different organizations come to the refuge for service projects or days with the wolves. This is an opportunity for a first hand look at rescue work, gets participants outside in nature and teaches a lot about wolves and wolf/dogs. In a typical year, WolfWood will provide 50 different educational programs.

COMMUNITY EVENTS: We also get involved with community groups. We went to see the Ignacio Boys and Girls Club as part of their mentoring program. The Girl Scouts came for their annual weekend camp. Last year we had almost 170 people! The girls earned their service badges and had a weekend of classes and wolf interaction. These are a wonderful examples of a great partnership and we appreciate all the time and effort the staff and rangers put into this event. I am so proud of the work we do with youth.

The wolves do not belong to us, they are in our care and we never charge anyone for the learning and growing experience of interacting with them. I hope you, as our friends and supporters, realize what a difference you are making in the lives of animals and humans alike.

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